It's unpredictable! It's just here, there and everywhere! Like a cruel enemy, it attacks you, sometimes, when you don't expect it. There's no consideration for just proceeds with its mission which is taking your sole soul! No care for your beloved ones; it is the least care for death! Yet, sometimes, we feel it approaching...but we can't do anything to escape it...we only have to accept the harsh fact. It is Death!
We all know that we'll have to face it one day. But, we don't know what will happen after that. Darkness, silence, and loneliness are what we'll get. You're alive but you can't prove it. You hear the weeping of your beloved ones and you feel their grief. Yet, you can't be there for them anymore! You also hear them about to leave and you're too scared to be left alone in the dark grave! You call them but dead people are not allowed to speak! A heavy silence falls and surrounds you. You start to weep; no tears are allowed to fall! Then, it's too cold, how can you feel things while you're dead; at the same time you're doomed not to react!
You keep waiting for something to happen! But what will happen for a corpse?! Nothing're just prisoned there in a grave where you're half dead, half alive! Then, you think it's a matter of time before you're completely dead. Days pass, silently, till you start to believe that you're really dead. But, you hear a weeping, it takes you a long period of time till you realize that it is a weeping of a beloved one who really misses you. You feel sorry and try to comfort him/her. But, it's useless because you're half alive, half dead.
Still, you try your best; then, you remember a moment of being in your past when you and your beloved one shared a hearty laugh. Then, a series of memories refresh your half dead brain and heart! You feel you're smiling and for your astonishment, you feel that your beloved one is smiling too. Then, you realize that there is a connection still. It's just a memory of good and hard times that you share with your beloved, it's just this memory that will keep you all, forever, connected in your special way. Then, you realize that even death can't keep you away from the ones who truly loved you.
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